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The philosophy of House of Change Behavioral Health Center (HOC) program is to provide essential substance abuse services so clients can recover and live as independently as possible.

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In addition, the Agency may sponsor:

  • Peer Support 

  • Family Education/Support

  • Local Advocacy Groups

  • After Care 

  • Self-help Groups

The HOC’s program is designed for men and women over the age 18 with substance abuse or co-occurring MH/SA disorders. Group counseling shall be provided daily and based on level of care. 



Clients may be residents with his or her own home, a substitute home, group care setting, or crisis housing; however, the treatment services must be provided in a licensed setting separate from the client’s residence. The program is provided over a period of several weeks or months.

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The program hours are 8:00 am – 5:30 pm, Monday - Friday.

HOC provides structured individual and group addiction activities and services that are provided at an outpatient program designed to assist adults to begin recovery and learn skills to maintain his or her recovery effort. HOC services shall include a structured program consisting of, but not limited to, the following services:


  • Individual Counseling and Support

  • Group Counseling and Support

  • Family Counseling, Training or Support

  • Toxicology (e.g. urine drug screens)

  • Strategies for relapse prevention to include community and social support systems in treatment

  • Life Skills

  • Crisis Contingency Planning

  • Disease Management

  • Treatment support activities that have been adapted or specifically designed for persons with physical disabilities, or persons with co-occurring disorders of mental illness and substance abuse/dependence or mental retardation/developmental disability and substance abuse/dependence

OP Program

HOC provides structured treatment plan guided individual and group activities and services that are provided to promote a healthier lifestyle upon returning to a non-treatment oriented environment. The traditional outpatient program is designed to provide additional skills taught at the intensive outpatient level of care.  Those entering treatment at the traditional outpatient level of care will receive individualized attention to begin recovery and learn skills to maintain his or her recovery effort. HOC services shall include a program consisting of, but not limited to, the following services:

  • Individual counseling and support

  • Group counseling and support

  • Toxicology (e.g. urine drug screens

  • Strategies for relapse prevention to include community and social support systems in treatment

  • Life skills to reenter the community

  • Crisis contingency planning

  • Disease Management

The HOC’s program is designed for men and women over the age 18 with substance abuse or co-occurring MH/SA disorders. Group counseling shall be provided daily. 

Similar to IOP, treatment services will include case management, referrals to multiple services, assessment, and reassessment as needed. Clinical staff will continue to inform clients of the possible benefits of treatment, community resources, and services; and assist the client in accessing benefits and services.

House Frames


Residential (3.1) Program

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The program hours are 8:00 am – 5:30 pm, Monday - Friday.

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In addition, the Agency may sponsor:

  • Peer support 

  • Family education/support

  • Local advocacy groups

  • After Care 

  • Self-help groups

HOC’s Community Residential Program (CRP) is designed to provide a structured environment to help clients achieve success and satisfactory community living. The CRP enhances the independence, dignity, personal choice, and privacy of persons served. For persons in alcohol and other drug programs, these services are focused on providing sober living environments to increase the likelihood of sobriety and abstinence and decrease the potential for relapse. 


The CRP is designed to provide additional skills taught at the outpatient level of care.  Each client entering CRP services will receive individualized attention and learn skills to maintain his or her recovery effort. HOC services shall include a program consisting of, but not limited to, the following services:


  • Comprehensive Assessment

  • Case Management Services

  • Individual Counseling at Least Monthly

  • Leisure and Recreational Activities

  • Group Counseling with a Focus on Relapse Prevention

  • Toxicology (e.g. urine drug screens)

  • Life Skills to Reenter the Community

  • Crisis Contingency Planning

In addition, the Agency may sponsor:

  • Peer Support 

  • Family Education/Support

  • Local Advocacy Groups

  • After Care 

  • Self-help Groups

The HOC’s Community Residential Program (CRP) is designed for men and women over the age 18 with substance abuse or co-occurring MH/SA disorders. Clients participating in the CRP will participate in a minimum of 5 hours of outpatient treatment services.

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Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP)

House of Change Behavioral Health Center (HOC) provides structured individual and group addiction activities and services that are provided in an atmosphere program designed to assist adults to begin recovery and learn skills to maintain his or her recovery effort. Particle Hospitalization Program (PHP) services shall include a structured program consisting of, but not limited to, the following services:


  • Individual Counseling and Support

  • Group Counseling and Support

  • Family Counseling, Training or Support

  • Toxicology (e.g. urine drug screens)

  • Relapse Prevention

  • Psycho-education Recovery

  • Disease Management Education

  • Life Skills

  • Crisis Contingency Planning

  • Occupational Therapy

  • Vocational Therapy

  • Recreational Therapy

  • Communication and Social Skills Training

  • Service Coordination and Referral


PHP is designed for men and women over the age 18 with substance abuse and/or co-occurring MH/SA disorders. Group counseling shall be provided daily, as well as weekly individual sessions to augment treatment services.


If you are interested in applying for our program, please contact our Intake Specialists at 410-323-3500.


The recipient is eligible for this service when:

A: There is a primary diagnosis of substance abuse disorder present;


B. ASAM for Level of Care II.I Intensive Outpatient Criteria.

Continued Stay Criteria:

The desired outcome or level of functioning has not been restored, improved, or sustained over the time frame outlined in the recipient’s Person Centered Plan or the recipient continues to be at risk for relapse based on history or the tenuous nature of the functional gains or any one of the following applies:


  • Recipients have achieved positive life outcomes that support stable and ongoing recovery, and additional goals are indicated.

  • Recipients are making satisfactory progress toward meeting goals.

  • Recipient is making some progress, but the Person-Centered Plan (specific interventions) needs to be modified so that greater gains, which are consistent with the recipient's premorbid level of functioning, are possible or can be achieved.

  • Recipient is not making progress; the Person Centered Plan must be modified to identify more effective interventions

  • Recipients are regressing; the Person Centered Plan must be modified to identify more effective interventions.


Discharge/Transition Criteria


Recipient’s level of functioning has improved with respect to the goals outlined in the Person Centered Plan, inclusive of a transition plan to step down, or no longer benefits, or has the ability to function at this level of care and any of the following apply:


  • Recipients have achieved positive life outcomes that support stable and ongoing recovery.

  • Recipient is not making progress, or is regressing and all realistic treatment options have been exhausted indicating a need for more intensive services.

  • Recipients no longer wish to receive treatment services.

  • Funding is inadequate to support the service

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